Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Raising the consciousness of one million people:Burt Goldman

I came across Burt Goldman's site, The American Monk, almost by chance and it's been an enlightening experience since.

Burt's claims that through his meditations he is able to focus the mind in such a way, that he's able to slow down aging, pick up new skills, and maintain perfect health.

He's become an award winning photographer, a painter, an album releasing singer, and he's in the best of health; the catch: Burt Goldman is 80 years old.

Burt's goal is to raise the consciousness of 1 million people over the next year. And with the help of John Lake from, is going to do this for free to deliver Burt Goldman's message to the world.

You've" got to check this out! The American Monk

Monday, October 1, 2007

Glycobiology:Glyconutrients, biological sugars that kick start the immune systems self healing abilities.

An amazing new breakthrough and discovery has come about from the science of glycobiology which is the study of cell to cell communication. Doctors have found it to be an effective reversing agent for any number of diseases, many of them the autoimmune variety.

"Glyconutrients are neither drugs nor vitamins, minerals, herbals, homeopathics or enzymes.
They are formulated supplements that are derived from nature, based on breakthrough research in biochemistry. Associated with nutraceuticals, they are a class to themselves and constitute what many believe might be possibly be an important discovery for the health of the body's immune system."Las Vegas magazine, July/August 2001.

It is found that the body needs a certain amount of special sugars called monosaccharides in order for the body to function at its optimum. In our average diets our bodies have trouble producing all 8 sugars. We seem to use only 2 of them although the body has the ability to make all 6. The reason being that the average American diet consist of fast foods and or highly processed foods and is bombarded by toxins and stressors daily. Our bodies needs all of these 8 sugars or glyconutrients ( plant based natural carbohydrates in order to repair and defend the free radicals , viruses and infections that the body comes in contact with on a daily basis. Glyconutrients are a new science and even many scientists and health care workers are not familiar with it.

One source , among many, Scientific American Med, Jan 22 , 02 " states that "Changing cancer cells""Surface sugars" can inhibit tumor growths" New findings suggest that the sugars could one day serve as targets for new anticancer therapies. " This is going to be the future,"Declares biochemist Gerald Hart of John Hopkins university Baltimore."

Glyconutrients has the potential to help various health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, ADHD , diabetes, lupus , and Chronic fatigue syndrome. There is already documented results that it has already helped many who have had conditions such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, burns, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and has helped the many autoimmune disorders that people have acquired. It literally repairs the communication on the cellular level that we are missing. Glyconutrients are listed for compromised immune systems. They literally maintain and balance your immune system for optimum health and to prevent diseases. Glyconutrients promote the body's self- healing properties.

So if you want to achieve and maintain your health and have less intervention from pharmaceuticals the way you deserve, glyconutrients may be an answer.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New noninvasive cancer treatment produces phenomenal results

Patients are injected with gold or carbon nanoparticles, exposed to radio frequency waves and cancerous cells die in moments. Leaving nearby cells untouched. This form of radio frequency treatment differs from others, in as it is totally noninvasive, leaving patients without side effects. May lead to cure.

read more | digg story

Monday, August 27, 2007



Creativity :: Visualizations
Being able to create visualizations is an important skill for many of the mnemonic techniques that we have discussed for memory improvement. Being able to visualize ideas is also an important trait for the creative thinker. Practicing this skill is a good way to stretch your mental muscles and expand your imagination.There are two factors that are used to describe your skill at making mental images. VividnessThis relates to how clear your visualizations are in your mind. Are they in color? Are they in 3D? Do they include sounds, smells and tastes?ControllabilityThis relates to how accurately you can control the imagery. Can you retain the images for as long as you want? Can you move the images in your mind? Can you modify your images without excessive effort? Concentration and practice will help you improve the controllability of your visualizations.Whenever you want to practice, simply close your eyes and visualize an ordinary object. Try to make it as accurate and clear as possible. This not only gives you practice at visualizing, but also encourages you to pay more attention to your environment, which will improve your awareness of what is happening around you.
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Beyond Accepting what is.

Beyond Accepting What Is

Below is an article written by "Forest Sun." Forest is a Access Facilitator, performer, songwriter, artist and writer. He plays music and facilitates classes all over the world. If you would like him to facilitate classes in your city, feel free to contact him.
You may have heard people talk about or read books about accepting what is. And it is true that many of us have the tendency to constantly argue with the moment. Our rejection of our own lives distracts us from being present here and now. We forget to have gratitude for our lives and the people in them as they are. We forget to acknowledge that we have created our own lives.
The concept of accepting what is, however, also can be used to disempower. "Oh, you'll get used to it. Just accept that this is how the world is. That's just the way it is. Some things will never change" Accepting what is can be a denial of your creative and generative capacity to create dynamic change.
Have you been using the spiritual credo of "accept what is" as the excuse for not changing your life and the world? Is your life now enough for you? Is the direction this planet is heading working for you? What would it be like to be grateful for what is and still ask the question of how it could be better? All great change on this planet has taken place from someone willing to ask a question. How does it get any better than this? What else is possible?
We tend to forget to ask questions. There is magic and potency in questions. Questions empower. When you ask a question there are infinite possibilities available to you. Take a fixed point of view and you've just limited what the universe can offer you.
What would you like to have in your life that you haven't allowed yourself to have?
What would you like to create in your life that you haven't allowed yourself to create?
What if you could be, do, have, generate, and create anything you choose? What would you change right now?
What if you are way more potent then you think you are?
Perhaps then instead of accepting what is we can begin to create what is.
Currently listening : Walk Through WallsBy Forest SunRelease date: By 17 May, 2005

Saturday, August 4, 2007


pyramid, originally uploaded by superstar_.

Healing rainbow rays

A candle for you

For My Friend Susan, originally uploaded by y entonces.

healing light for those in need.


a symbol of healing light

Monday, July 23, 2007

Can a Healer Heal Cancer?

As a healer and in the healing profession I have found that cancer can be prevented and cured if caught in the early stages. Cancer seems to be caused by a weak immune system from a bad gene gone haywire. Other cancer causing factors could be from our environment. From a energy healers point of view cancer can be linked to negative emotions trapped in our tissues, cells, and aura from past issues and traumas that do not have an outlet, hence backing up the body’s defense systems causing disease.

Cancer cells emit a certain vibration or frequency. Healers are able to channel a higher vibration or frequency of light over the cancer area which overrides the cancer cells. The higher frequency disseminates these bad cells and gives the body time to grow new cells to replace the bad ones. This has been documented and can be done in person or at a distance. There are a lot of success stories of recoveries using energy healing.

So if you are one of the fortunate ones to find out early that you have cancer, you will have the greatest chance of removing it from your body. Some people have luck with radiation, chemotherapy and diet. Others opt for a combination of both Western and Eastern medicines. I have found that using energy healing while you are having radiation and chemotherapy helps rid and clear the body of the harmful toxins faster and with fewer side effects. Energy healing also clears negative emotions from past issues trapped in the aura or cell tissues thus giving the body a fresh start to heal again.

Children born today in our new generation are being gifted with amazing abilities to heal others. They are the new children of the earth called the rainbow and crystal children. There are also many gifted young adults and adults that are able to pull cancer right out of the body or to accelerate healing at amazing speeds without much effort. These people are truly amazing. Most cancer is cured with a combination of the will power of your own mind, beliefs, and the help from western medicine, alternative medicine and the belief in God.

Overall, cancer is a wake up call for most. When you or a loved one gets any form of disease it’s the divine universe calling to you to take a deeper look into yourself and your life. Some people are able to overcome their disease and for others it might be their karma and time to leave this planet. If you are able to overcome the disease the lessons cancer presents to you will be revealed. The lessons could be of giving you more love or more love to others. They could be letting go of anger or just letting go. It could be that you lead a stress filled life of working all the time and no play time. Best of all is receiving a second chance to take a deeper look at what is truly important for you or what you have always wanted to do. Basically it’s your time to live in the now.

There are alternatives for those with cancer. Put your trust in those professionals that resonate with you. Do anything you can to put your life back on track. Once you do that, the universe will take care of the rest. Many brave souls have received treatment either by Western or alternative methods but were destined not to be here for long regardless. So whether it is a child, adult or animal those connected to them will be forever blessed to have shared their short time here on earth. Life is indeed fragile, short and precious.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Feng Shui : Classical vs Black Sect

I had a great opportunity to learn from Val Biktashev the author of the "Complete Idiots Guide to Feng Shui" He is such a nice and humble man. I always try to increase my knowledge and wisdom with some of the best in the business and I feel blessed to have learned from him.

I feel that both disciplines of Feng Shui are great it's just that for me classical is much more challenging and interesting. Classical Feng Shui is very mathematical in its approach and it is geared toward clients who do not like the red envelopes, red ribbons, bamboo flutes and meditations that are used as remedies with Blact Sect Feng Shui. Classical Feng Shui's main focus is to orient the homes true magnetic orientation which is unique to each home using a Lopan compass. The next important issue is to find the placement of the dragon. The dragon area is the most auspicious place in the home or office. It is located by using a Lopan compass and doing mathamatical calculations once the magnetic orientation is found.

Black Sect Feng Shui relies on the Bagua which overlays on to a floorplan irrespective of the magnetic orientation. The Bagua focuses on the eight life areas which are then remedied. Both traditions accentuate the positive energies and down play the negative ones. The main reason I like Classical Feng Shui is that its methods are scientific and predictable. Over the years Feng Shui has been modified to go with the fast pace lives of westerners.

The current methods of Black Sect have been watered down from generation to generation. Black Sect Feng shui can be effective, although I feel that the essence of Classical Feng Shui is where the true origins are which have not been changed and you will get better results.

Healing Misconceptions

I just met a wonderful teacher named Tak Wong and his main purpose is to educate healers about the misconceptions of energy heaing. He basically focuses on the type of healing called alchemy of elixir He states that this energy is channeled from within and there is a seperate Qi that is connected with the universe and all living and non-living life forms also. He states that the healer must focus on building his own energy source first before helping others . This takes years of practice working hands on with people and animals. It's not a weekend seminar, which would be just a starting point.

Harnessing the energy within and becoming attuned with what you are feeling, seeing and how to channel the energy is another thing. Masters study their whole lives and are still learning. As amateur healers its our responsibility to continue learning and bettering ourselves though multiple disciplines and focus: meditation, breath work or doing mantras. Take the time to still your mind daily and be present in the now not worrying about the future or the past. As healers we are the catalyst for people to come to terms with their own healing. We aid people in breaking through their emotional barriers that they have been carrying all their life.

As we get older we start to search for what is really important like spending quality time with family members and friends. Love is what matters to most people especially being able to bring back or keep this connection. Basically healing breaks through negative barriers and emotional blocks in and around the body. There are many ways to help people heal. Since everyone responds differently you need to find which healing modality will bring your body and mind back into balance. There is no one tried and true way. A person might find acupuncture works for them or it could be crystals or psychotherapy. The misconceptoion lies in the fact that we are all one not separate from eachother and the universe. If you are ready to heal, the universe will comply and you will be led to the proper healing modality for you.