Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Difference

About The Difference™
One Person Can Make A World Of Difference. 6,000 People Can Make A Different World.
•One ordinary, everyday woman with an incredible vision for humanity... daring the seemingly impossible.
•6,000 difference makers across the world sharing the vision and touching the lives of 6 Billion.
•An extraordinary film destined to open humanity’s heart.
•A global community uniting to co-create a different world.
'That's The Difference™'

Never Been Done Before In The History Of The World
In a never been done before in the history of the world film-making adventure, 6,000 difference makers from around the world are gathering together to collaborate on making an extraordinary film – The Difference™, the most influential film of our time, destined to shift humanity’s consciousness, open people’s minds and hearts and make a significant, positive difference in our world.

Uniting Humanity http://thedifference.tv/