Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dowsing can Make a difference: Identifying high risk teens before a tragedy occurs


 The latest shooting tragedy in Parkland  FL and all the past shootings is another reminder of the fragility of our lives. How many more shootings are we to endure before changes are made.

The art of dowsing can identify any high-risk teens ahead of time so a student is then prescreened and checked on their current mental health before something more serious happens.

Every school needs to have a method today to find the high-risk kids before a tragedy strikes once again.

Dowsing is the perfect answer for all Schools, school counselors, teachers, and principals. They will have a method to do this themselves when taught.

Its a holistic organic way to use their own intuitive skills to access the innate negative energies of each student if there are any there. Depression, anger, sadness, grief, and malevolence can be detected by dowsing.

As a holistic practitioner, and business owner with my expert dowsing skills I will teach any school willing to try this method I created to deter this from happening ever again.

Please find my charts on Elsy here
Go to Dowse a  child's feelings predictor chart.

Contact me to book an appointment 781-526-2800 to show you how to dowse and use my child's chart.
The faster the schools employ this method the more lives will be saved from future tragedies.

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